Tennis Club Courts
Open 7:00AM to 10:00PM Daily.
Procedure for reserving the Tennis Club and Courts:
- To reserve a court, residents need to sign up on the whiteboard at the court on the day you want to play. The earliest signup time is 7am.
- Residents playing Doubles can reserve Court for two hours; Singles = one hour.
- Contact WRA manager to check on date availability for the Tennis Club Kitchen/BBQ Area and Tables. Call (808) 456-3020
- You can reserve up to 60 days in advance and no less than three days during January thru November.
- First come; first served. Tennis Club capacity is 25 individuals
- Once available date is confirmed, download the forms HERE. Print and complete.
- Place completed form with $100 deposit in secured mailbox at Lodge front door.
WRA Tennis Club and Court Rules:
- The tennis court and club are for the use of Wailuna residents and their guests.
- The tennis court may not be used for any other activity except tennis and pickleball
without written permission from the Board of Directors.
The tennis court hours are: 7:00am-10:00pm. The tennis club will be closed during
other hours. - Tennis/pickleball player must be appropriately attired.
- Tennis/pickleball players must sign their name and unit number on the reservation
board provided. Reservations can be made daily starting at 7:00am of each day.
Players shall only sign up for one hour for singles play (2 players) and two hours for
doubles play (4 players). - Only four (4) guests are allowed per unit, and they must play on the same court.
Resident must be present. - Court reservations are kept for only five (5) minutes after the hour scheduled and
then the reservation is forfeited. - No wheeled devices (skateboards, roller skates/blades, bicycles, etc.) are allowed
on the tennis courts. - No food, glass or alcoholic beverages allowed on the courts.
- The number of guests at the tennis club parties: 25. The scheduled dates will be
posted on the bulletin board to notify the residents. Only one (1) court may be reserved
for a party. If the other court is available, it may be used but cannot be reserved. - The maximum reservation time for the tennis court is four (4) hours with a party
reservation. The court may be reserved from 8:00am. A second reservation made for a
tennis court is prohibited until the first reservation made by the same owner has been
used. - Tennis/pickleball lessons conducted at the Wailuna Tennis Club will be limited to
members of the Association. No commercial activity is permitted.